February Wrap Up

So, I’m officially 2 months in which I should be happy about but it just feels ugh. That doesn’t make sense, but whatever.

So far I’ve had 203 visitors which seems great but I only have 13 followers. I was talking to Brittany @ Book Rambles and she said it doesn’t happen overnight, but I still feel just ugh. (That is now officially an emotion). I’m at the point where i feel like no one really cares.

On to the stuff you (probably) came for:

I’ve read 10 things this mont, but most (6) are single issue comics.

The actual books I read were:

  • The Song of Achilles
  • The Girl From Everywhere review
  • A Darker Shade of Magic

To seem like I’m writing more, I’m going to do a separate post for my March TBR.

I should also probably do my homework now, but whatever.

What did you read this month?

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