Review | Denton Little’s Still Not Dead


  • 25397720Denton Little’s Still Not Dead by Lance Rubin
  • format: eARC
  • source: netgalley
  • pages: 352
  • genre: idk
  • amazon
  • goodreads
  • stars: 5/5

Goodreads Summary:

You only live once—unless you’re Denton Little!

The good news: Denton Little has lived through his deathdate. Yay! The bad news: He’s being chased by the DIA (Death Investigation Agency), he can never see his family again, and he may now die any time. Huh. Cheating death isn’t quite as awesome as Denton would have thought…

Lance Rubin’s debut novel, Denton Little’s Deathdate, showed readers just how funny and poignant imminent death could be. Now in this sequel, he takes on the big questions about life. How do we cope, knowing we could die at any time? Would you save someone from dying even if they were a horrible person? Is it wrong to kiss the girl your best friend is crushing on if she’s really into you instead? What if she’s wearing bacon lip gloss?


I read a lot this weekend so I honestly don’t remember much from this book, but here is the random jumble of reactions from the notes on my phone:

Fam. This book. I have no idea what I just read, but it was AMAZING. Literally everyone needs to read it. The voice felt real and the plot was just holy sh*t.

And now, my interpretation of whatever I just wrote:

Denton Little is honestly one of the most real feeling characters I’ve ever met. Like his voice felt super authentic and I genuinely miss him. The plot was well paces and the twists, while not expected, didn’t come out of nowhere.

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